2024 ACHE Emerging Leaders Institute

The Generations from Boom to Z: How to collaborate, cooperate, manage, lead, and understand

Welcome to the 2024 Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE) Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI), a dynamic four-day professional development event dedicated to nurturing the next generation of leaders within the continuing higher education sphere. Scheduled from June 25 to June 28 at the University of La Verne in California, this institute is designed specifically for professionals who have amassed 3-5 years of experience in the field and are poised to ascend to higher leadership roles.

At ELI, participants will delve into a curriculum rich in leadership development topics tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities in continuing education. The program includes interactive workshops that employ Kolb’s Experiential Learning Styles, ensuring that learning is engaging, practical, and directly applicable to your professional life.

Key sessions will cover a range of pertinent topics such as:

  • Leadership Development: Enhancing personal and organizational leadership skills to navigate and lead effective teams.
  • Program Development: Crafting innovative educational programs that meet the evolving needs of adult learners.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the implications of AI in educational settings and how it can be harnessed to enhance learning and administrative processes.
  • Working with Generation Z: Understanding and engaging the next generation of learners with strategies that resonate with their values and learning preferences.
  • Untapped Leadership: Identifying and cultivating latent leadership potential within your teams and broader educational community. 

This institute is not just about learning but also about networking with peers, sharing insights, and gaining the tools necessary for substantial personal and professional growth. Whether you are looking to step into a leadership role or enhance your current capabilities, the Emerging Leaders Institute offers a robust platform to prepare you for the challenges ahead.


  • Date: June 25-28, 2024
  • Location: University of La Verne
  • Cost: $795 for ACHE members; $895 for non-members
  • Registration: Click here to learn more and register for the event.

General Schedule

Tuesday, June 25 Wednesday, June 26  Thursday, June 27 Friday, June 28
5 PM – 7:30 PM 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Opening Reception Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
Session 1 Part 1 Session 3 Part 1 Session 5 Part 1
Break Break Break
Session 1 Part 2 Session 3 Part 2 Session 5 Part 2
Lunch Lunch Close
Session 2 Part 1 Session 4 Part 1
Break Break
Session 2 Part 2 Session 4 Part 2