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MEd Educational Leadership

Credential and Certificate Programs


LaFetra College of Education Credential and Certificate Programs

Depending on which program you choose, you may have the option to attend at our La Verne Campus or online. You can start the program in Fall Session I or II, Spring Session I or II, or Summer Session.

Credential Programs

The Clear Induction Administrative Services Credential program is designed for those holding a valid Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. It is an online, individualized, job-embedded, two year coaching program based on two academic semesters per year with each semester consisting of two semester hours of individual coaching and two semester hours of professional learning

The Education Specialist Credential program is designed for those interested in teaching learners with mild-moderate special needs, in particular but not exclusive to students with learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, mental retardation, autism spectrum, and other health impairments. Mild-Moderate Education Specialist Credential candidates receive a complete range of instruction and support in instructing learners with mild-moderate disabilities.

This credential is also offered as an Accelerated Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Preliminary Credential.

The University of La Verne’s teacher education program is designed to provide tomorrow’s teachers with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to make a positive impact on the children in their classrooms and in the community. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of California’s diverse student population, emphasizing language development, cultural diversity, and humanistic approaches to the learning process.

The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential is offered as part of the Master of Education in Educational Leadership program, which prepares graduates for leadership roles in elementary and secondary education. Candidates who complete the requirements for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential may apply for the Certificate of Eligibility at the conclusion of the program. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing will issue the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential upon employment as a school administrator.

The coursework in the program usually consists of six (6) terms for a total of eighteen (18) months. Additional information can be found on the program site

This program prepares qualified students to become professional school counselors in grades K-12. It has been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to recommend qualified candidates for the Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling, including the Intern Credential. The M.S. in Educational Counseling also qualifies candidates to serve as Community College Counselors.

La Verne’s Master of Science School Psychology programs offer training in counseling and psychology, and prepare school psychologists to work with age groups from infancy through adolescence.


Certificate Programs

The Dyslexia Training Professional Certificate offers the latest research and evidence-based practices in Orton Gillingham multisensory structured literacy. This program is for K-12 teachers, literacy specialists, and educational therapists who serve students with dyslexia and other reading disabilities. It provides deep knowledge, at the graduate level, of language development, dyslexia, and an explicitly structured multisensory approach to reading.

Transitional Kindergarten is “the first of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate” (Senate Bill 1381, Chapter 705).

The University of La Verne Child Development Program’s Transitional Kindergarten Certificate is designed to provide preliminary and credentialed K – 8 teachers with upper division units that cover the knowledge, skills, and strategies to teach effectively in a transitional kindergarten classroom. Courses are designed around the California Learning System which includes Foundations and Framework.